Our Aims and Objectives
These are the group’s broad range of aims and objectives:
- To ensure The Crags are maintained as a high quality and safe accessible open space for both the benefit of wildlife and people
- To conserve and where possible enhance the quality of calcareous grassland and other habitat for the benefit of species diversity
- To ensure the Crags maintains and improves access to it’s historical sites
- Remove the trees that are obstructing the views near the seating areas.
- Replace all the trees removed, at the appropriate ratio, with native trees at the new sites
- To provide suitable facilities and opportunities for public enjoyment of the site for present and future generations, providing they do not conflict with the nature conservation requirements
- To provide maximum opportunities to engage with the open space as a place of active recreation
- To provide maximum opportunities for interpretation and encourage education
- To encourage community involvement in the site, and encourage active involvement in the management of the site
- To ensure that antisocial behaviour is controlled and its impacts reduced
- To ensure the Crags are maintained as a high quality and accessible open space for both the benefit of wildlife and people
- To apply for Green Flag Status
- To protect open space through Fields in Trust status
- To undertake an annual review schedule of maintenance
- To maintain current levels of inspection
- To seek to improve methods of inspection to improve asset data
- To ensure all enhancements are suitable and appropriate in line with the management plan
- To identify and apply for funding for future parks projects