The last thing 15-year-old mining apprentice Stephen Pratt was expecting to see coming over The Crags as he returned to his Conanby home with his fish and chips, was a squadron of flying saucers!
But Stephen ran in, grabbed his Kodak Instamatic 50 camera and snapped this amazing photograph outside his home at 11, Leslie Avenue, looking down Montague Road toward The Crags.
The negative appeared to capture no fewer than three UFOs, in the sky over the village, on the evening of March, 28, 1966. It subsequently underwent six months of rigorous examination by photographic, experts including analysis by Kodak.
All concluded that the snap was genuine.
Cadeby miner Stephen and his mother Therese were returning from the nearby fish shop when they first saw their UFOs. The phenomenon began as a bright orange light in the sky which then stopped dead in the air. Therese sent Stephen in for the camera, as family and neighbours came out to view the craft.
Stephen told the South Yorkshire Times that shortly after the photograph was taken, the objects disappeared at “fantastic” speed in the direction of Sheffield.
He told the paper: “I still believe the three objects I saw were genuine flying saucers and not just a trick of the light”.
He was later invited to a conference by the British Unidentified Flying Objects Research Association.
Secret Government reports and pictures regarding this and other UFO sightings are to be made public on a dedicated, later in 2020, it has just been announced.